What Women Want for Valentine's Day
Is it that women want gifts? Sure. But more importantly, women want men to be thoughtful about the gifts they receive. They want to feel that the people that you are attentive. A woman wants you to remember - her favorite color, taste in jewelry, whether or not it is on a diet, what it does and does not like.
How many times have you heard a woman say, "That's nice, but do you remember that I am not crazy about yellow? Think about it. Do I have something in that color? "Or" Have you forgotten that I am the regime? "Or," It is beautiful, but do you mind if I trade it for something more than me? "
Women want gifts that are personalized. They want you to shop for them as a friend would. For example, recently, when shopping with a friend to me, it focused on a handbag with a princess crown on the logo, but decided it was too costly. I remembered that and for her birthday, I bought her a princess birthday card and other items with the logo of the princess, and she was very touched. If I were her husband, however, I would have, of course, returned and Princess bought her purse.
Women sometimes look for something to the other and say: "I thought of you when I saw it." That is what we want you women to do. Even though it is perhaps be not in your nature to do so as often as our girlfriend doing, we want you (for special occasions) to pay attention and to customize our gifts.
How Customization His gift:
- Observe and listen. It is probably giving you advice (intentionally or not) that you are not paying attention to. Listen up.
- Ask her what she wants girlfriends. They probably know, or they can ask him, and you can still surprise her.
- Stop thinking about their interests and hobbies. Does she collect anything? Does she play golf or tennis? If you believe that you can not choose something about yourself, get a gift card linked to a store, or ask someone who shares his interest.
- Do not go "practice". There's nothing more romantic than a vacuum cleaner or kitchen utensils. If she tells you she wants a refrigerator, then it's good. But even then, you can buy a small gift for romantic go with him.
Remember, when buying her gifts, customize, customization, customize!
And what I prefer gift, in addition to a surprise trip to Mexico? Lavender roses. Lavender is my favorite color (which he should know), lavender and roses are hard to find and it's something that I buy myself when I can. And no, I never received lavender roses from him, but if he sent them, I know for sure that he was very attentive. Do you pay attention?
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